Inscription 1-600

WoW Inscription Leveling Guide 1 - 600

This WoW Inscription Guide will help you to level your Inscription from 1 to 600. This is an Inscription leveling guide, if you are looking for some information about Inscription, read this Inscription glyph Guide.
Inscription is the best combined with Herbalism, check out the Herbalism leveling guide if you want to level Herbalism.
Updated for WoW patch 5.2
You can use [Milling] to mill 5 herbs for 2 - 4 pigments.
If you are milling your own herbs, you should buy only Cinderbloom and Stormvine first because those can can be milled at skill 425. Skill 450 also allows Azshara's Veil and Heartblossom to be milled and you will be able to mill Twilight Jasmine and Whiptail at 475.

Inscription guide sections:

Apprentice 1 - 75
Journeyman 75 - 125
Expert 125 - 200
Artisan 200 - 290
Master 290 - 350
Grand Master 350 - 425
Illustrious 425 - 500
Zen 500 - 600
Approximate Materials Required for 1-600 :
You should need less, so don't mill every herb, mill them only if you need more pigment.
  • 110 Alabaster Pigment giving herbs
  • 70 Dusky Pigment giving herbs
  • 170 Golden Pigment giving herbs
  • 170 Emerald Pigment giving herbs
  • 160 Violet Pigment giving herbs
  • 80 Silvery Pigment giving herbs
  • 160 Nether Pigment giving herbs
  • 400 Azure Pigment giving herbs
  • 140 Ashen Pigment giving herbs
  • 320 Shadow Pigment giving herbs
Related Guides:

Inscription Leveling Guide 1 - 75

Just to note, there is a lot of other Glyphs and Scroll at different skill ranges with the same number of materials needed, so where you see [Glyph of ...] for example, there you can choose between more recipes that is orange to you and requires the same number of materials.
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Inscription.
Do not forget that 1 [Ink of Dreams] can be traded for any Ink at Ink traders! You can level Inscription by using only Ink of Dreams if it is cheaper than the lower level herbs. Using Ink of Dreams is also a lot faster.
[Light Parchment] is not listed in the guide at the recipes. You can usually buy it from the vendor near your trainer.

75 - 125

Learn Inscription Journeyman.
Your aim should always be make glyphs while they are orange. Sometimes Glyphs turn yellow after one craft, sometimes 2 or 3 craft, so be careful and don't queue up 10 of the same Glyphs. Each orange Glyph will give you 3 skill-up points.
  • 80 - 101
    Make any Glyph that is orange to you.7 x [Glyph of....] - 21 Midnight Ink
  • 101 - 105
    40 x [Lion's Ink] - 80 Golden PigmentMake any orange Glyph if you did not reach 105 by making these.
  • 105 - 126
    7 x [Glyph of ...] - 21 Lion's Ink

125 - 200

Learn Inscription Expert.
  • 126-130
    Turn your [Burnt Pigments] into [Dawnstar Ink]. If you didn't mill your own herbs and you don't have Burnt Pigment, you can just make any Glyph that is orange to you.
  • 130 - 146
    6 x [Glyph of ...] - 18 Lion's Ink
  • 155 - 176
    7 x [Glyph of ...] - 21 Jadefire Ink
  • 178 - 196
    6 x [Glyph of ...] - 18 Jadefire Ink

200 - 290

Learn Inscription Artisan.
  • 205 - 226
    7 x [Glyph of ...] - 21 Celestial Ink
  • 228- 246
    6 x [Glyph of ...] - 18 Celestial Ink
  • 255 - 279
    8 x [Glyph of ...] - 24 Shimmering Ink
  • 279 - 287
    8 x [Ink of Sky] - 8 Sapphire PigmentMake Glyphs if you don't have 8 Sapphire Pigment.
  • 287 - 292
    1 x [Stormbound Tome] - 8 Ink of the SkyMake Glyphs if you don't have Ink of the Sky.

290 - 350

Learn Inscription Master.
  • 305 - 326
    7 x [Glyph of ...] - 21 Ethereal Ink
  • 333 - 351
    6 x [Glyph of ...] - 18 Ethereal Ink

350 - 425

Learn Inscription Grand Master.
  • 355 - 358
    Make any orange Glyph which requires 3 Etheral Inks to make.
  • 358 - 376
    6 x [Glyph of...] - 18 Ink of the Sea
  • 376 - 379 
    [Snowfall Ink] - Icy PigmentUse all the rare pigment available. Keep the extra Snowfall Ink for Northrend Inscription Research. You will need to research to learn most "Northrend" glyphs.
It's important to stop making this recipe at 379! Make any orange Glyph if you don't have Icy Pigment.
  • 379 - 385
    2 x [Glyph of...] - 6 Ink of the Sea
  • 386 - 400
    15 x [Any Discovered Major Glyph] - 45 Ink of the Sea

425 - 500

Visit your trainer and learn Inscription Illustrious.
  • 475 - 482
    Turn all your Burning Embers into [Inferno Ink]. If you don't have any Burning Ember, just skip this part and start making the next recipe.
  • 482 - 490
    Go to Vashj'ir - Kelp'thar Forest. Kill mobs there until you get [Technique: Origami Slime]. The drop rate is pretty high, don't get confused by wowhead data. The recipe will be green, but it only requires Light Parchment to make, which you can buy from Inscription supply vendors. If you don't want to farm the technique, you should make the recipe below.15 x [Dust of Disappearance] - 15 Blackfallow Ink

500 - 600

Visit your trainer and learn Zen Inscription.
  • 541 - 595
    18 x [Any Glyph you discovered by making Scroll of Wisdow] - 54 Ink of DreamsIf your main goal is to get any of the epic Insciption items like [Inscribed Serpent Staff], you should stop making the Gylphs at 560 because you will reach 600 by making the materials for the epic items. (like 20 Scroll of Wisdow). Not to mention the staffs alone will grant you 30 skill points when you make them.
  • 595 - 600
    Make any shoulder enchant three times.
I hope you liked this Inscription guide

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