Engineering Leveling Guide 1 - 540 for Gnomes
This Gnome Engineering guide will show you the least expensive way to level your Gnome's engineering from 1 to 525, and on to 540 if you want to! Updated for WoW patch 5.0.4
Obviously, Engineering is the best combined with Mining, and while Engineering with these two professions you can save a lot of gold. Check out the Mining leveling guide if you want to level Mining. Make sure you have enough gold to buy ore if you don't have Mining, because you will need a lot of it.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't always happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Engineering.
Engineering Guide Sections:
16 - 75 Apprentice
75 - 150 Journeyman
150 - 220 Expert
220 - 300 Artisan
300 - 350 Master
350 - 425 Grand Master
425 - 540 Illustrious
16 - 75 Apprentice
75 - 150 Journeyman
150 - 220 Expert
220 - 300 Artisan
300 - 350 Master
350 - 425 Grand Master
425 - 540 Illustrious
What is so special about +15 Engineering?
Your gnome's racial not only gives you a 15 point head start, but also makes recipes stay orange for 15 points longer, allows you to skip recipes, and dodge dry spells. Additionally, you save money by not only needing fewer materials to get to 525 altogether, but less expensive ones too!
Approximate Materials Required for 16-540:
30 x Rough Stone
20 x Copper Bar
25 x Coarse Stone
69 x Bronze Bar = 35 Copper Bar + 35 Tin Bar
25 x Heavy Stones
15 x Nightcrawlers
20 x Iron Bar
4 x Steel Bar
80 x Solid Stone
80 x Mithril Bar
20 x Mageweave Cloth
40 x Dense Stone
105 x Thorium Bar
25 x Runecloth
27 x Mote of Fire
54 x Mote of Earth
10 x Primal Earth
40 x Adamantite Bar
15 x Netherweave Cloth
180 x Cobalt Bar
15 x Crystallized Water
100 x Saronite Bar
70 x Obsidium Bar
30 x Volatile Air
12 x Volatile Earth
10 x Volatile Fire
175 x Elementium Bar
10 x Hardened Elementium Bar
10 x Dream Emerald
30 x Rough Stone
20 x Copper Bar
25 x Coarse Stone
69 x Bronze Bar = 35 Copper Bar + 35 Tin Bar
25 x Heavy Stones
15 x Nightcrawlers
20 x Iron Bar
4 x Steel Bar
80 x Solid Stone
80 x Mithril Bar
20 x Mageweave Cloth
40 x Dense Stone
105 x Thorium Bar
25 x Runecloth
27 x Mote of Fire
54 x Mote of Earth
10 x Primal Earth
40 x Adamantite Bar
15 x Netherweave Cloth
180 x Cobalt Bar
15 x Crystallized Water
100 x Saronite Bar
70 x Obsidium Bar
30 x Volatile Air
12 x Volatile Earth
10 x Volatile Fire
175 x Elementium Bar
10 x Hardened Elementium Bar
10 x Dream Emerald
Gnome Engineering Leveling Guide 1 - 540
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Engineering.
Buy a Blacksmith Hammer from the Blacksmith supply vendor. It's near your trainer.
16 – 75
- 16-40
30 x [Rough Blasting Powder] - 30 Rough Stone
- 40-60
20 x [Handful of Copper Bolts] - 20 Copper BarSave 15 of these.
- 60-75
15 x [Rough Copper Bomb] - 30 Rough Blasting Powder, 15 Handful of Copper BoltsMake your [Arclight Spanner] between 60 and 70.
75 – 150
Learn Journeymen Engineering.
- 75-100
25 x [Coarse Blasting Powder] - 25 Coarse StoneSave 15 of these.
- 100-126
13 x [Clockwork Box] - 39 Bronze BarUse the boxes you make. You will get one extra skill points per craft.
- 126-150
25 x [Heavy Blasting Powder] - 25 Heavy StonesYellow for the last 10 points, but stone is very cheap.
150 – 225
Learn Expert Engineering.
- 150-165
15 x [Aquadynamic Fish Attractor] - 30 Bronze Bar, 15 Nightcrawlers, 15 Coarse Blasting Powder[Nightcrawlers] are sold by these vendors. Don't buy them at the Auction House.
- 165-175
10 x [Iron Strut] - 20 Iron Bar
- 175 -176
1 x [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor] - 4 Steel Bar
- 176-200
40 x [Solid Blasting Powder] - 80 Solid StoneYou may go as far as 210 making these. Keep all 40.
Engineering has the option at skill level 200 to specialize in Gnomish or Goblin Engineering. The main difference between both sides is the location of their respective teleporters and the ability of their trinkets. Some items require a specific specialization to use, while other items are crafted by one specialization but are usable by any engineer. Fortunately, most recipes that are crafted by one Specialization can be worn by both.
- 200-220
20 x [Unstable Triggers] - 20 Mithril Bar, 20 Mageweave Cloth, 20 Solid Blasting PowderKeep 10 of these.
220 – 300
Learn Artisan Engineering.
- 220-240
20 x [Mithril Casings] - 60 Mithril BarYellow at the last 10 points. Keep these.
- 240-250
10 x [Hi-Explosive Bomb] - 20 Mithril Casing, 10 Unstable Trigger, 20 Solid Blasting Powder
- 250-270
20 x [Dense Blasting Powder] - 40 Dense Stone
- 270-295
25 x [Thorium Widget] - 75 Thorium Bar, 25 Runecloth
- 295-300
5 x [Thorium Tube] - 30 Thorium Bar
300 – 325
Learn Master Engineering.
- 300-325
27 x [4 Elemental Blasting Powder] - 27 Mote of Fire, 54 Mote of EarthIf Motes are scarce or expensive, you can craft Fel Iron Bolts and Fel Iron Casing instead. If you're interested in the Flying Machine, this is a good route to take.Keep 15 Elemental Blasting Powder no matter what you do.
- 325-335
10 x [Adamantite Frame] - 40 Adamantite Bar, 10 Primal Earth
- 335-350
15 x [White Smoke Flare] - 15 Elemental Blasting Powder, 15 Netherweave ClothRecipe locations here.
350 – 425
Learn Grand Master Engineering.
- 350-375
25 x [1-3 Handful of Cobalt Bolts] - 50 Cobalt BarKeep 10 of these, though they're used for Nitro Boosts if you're interested.
- 375-385
10 x [2 Volatile Blasting Trigger] - 30 Cobalt Bar, 10 Crystallized WaterKeep all 20 of these.
- 385-395
10 x [Bladed Pickaxe] or Hammer Pick - 50 Cobalt Bar
- 395-400
5 x [Froststeel Tube] - 40 Cobalt Bar, 5 Crystallized WaterKeep these.
- 400-405
5 x [Diamond-cut Refractor Scope] - 5 Froststeel Tube, 10 Handful of Cobalt Bolts
- 405-425
20 x [Box of Bombs] - 100 Saronite Bar, 20 Volatile Blasting Trigger
425 – 540
Learn Illustrious Grand Master Engineering.
- 425-455
30 x [2 - 4 Handful of Obsidium Bolts] - 60 Obsidium BarYellow for the last 5 points. Keep these.
- 455-470
15 x [2-3 Electrified Ether] - 30 Volatile AirKeep these and your extras. You'll need them for your tinkers.
- 470-475
1 x [High-Powered Bolt Gun] - 10 Obsidium Bar, 8 Handful of Obsidium Bolts, 4 Electrified EtherKeep this, you need it to craft later recipes.
- 475 - 505
6 x [Lure Master Tackle Box] - 120 Elementium Bar, 28 Handful of Obsidium Bolts
- 505-510
1 x [Elementium Toolbox] - 15 Elementium Bar, 12 Volatile Earth
- 510-520
10 x [Heat-Treated Spinning Lure] - 10 Handful of Obsidium Bolts, 40 Elementium Bar, 10 Volatile Fire
- 520-540
5 x [Gnomish X-Ray Scope] - 10 Hardened Elementium Bar, 10 Dream EmeraldOR520 - 5251 x [Finely-Tuned Throat Needler] - 4 Obsidium Bar, 2 Electrified Ether, 5 Hardened Elementium BarI hope you enjoyed this Gnome Engineering leveling guide!
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